Thursday, December 1, 2016

The USO, Hawaii, and Fate... A Love Story

The Year was 1952, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. It's where Barbara and Russ met, began their courtship, and subsequently, their life together. You see, Barbara worked with the USO on the Big Island, as a singer, and Russ was an unsuspecting American soldier looking for a little leisure time. On this particular February night, Barb, (that's what her friends called her), was performing some numbers for the G.I.'s, trying to improve moral, you might say. This was Russ' first time in the Oahu USO club, and he noticed Barb, right away. Well, I suppose you could say, all of the soldiers noticed Barb. She was beautiful, brunette, and had a figure that would make any young man want to join the service. She also had a captivating voice. It was around 9:00pm when Russ walked in and she was singing a rousing rendition of Mockingbird Hill. Russ thought to himself, "wow, what a looker!" He was immediately taken by her beauty, but didn't think for one minute that it could be mutual. He didn't give it a second thought. He was just happy to be there and enjoy the show.

Barb sang a few more numbers, then exited the stage and joined some of her co workers, as they took a break in between sets. Russ didn't pay too much attention, but as he made his way to the bar to order a ginger ale, (Russ wasn't a drinker), Barb noticed him. He appeared to be alone, and had a clean cut, "good boy", sort air about him. Barb was immediately intrigued because most of the G.I.'s in the hall were constantly coming on to her, which got very old, very quickly. Because she was a performer, the fellas tended to have a certain idea of the type of girl she must be, which wasn't true, at all. She actually grew up in the Midwest in a very conservative home, and has stayed true to her roots. It just so happened that Barb had a powerful set of pipes, as they say, and desired to make some type of contribution to her country. She was a very patriotic gal, as were her parents and two brothers, who were also in the service.

Barb and her co-workers took the stage once again for the last set of the evening. Russ was truly enjoying the show and was thinking that he might return the following weekend if possible. The set ended and Barb, being a bit of an out going type of girl, approached Russ, asking if he enjoyed the show. Russ assured her that he did and complimented her on her beautiful voice. Barb thanked him and sensed a sincerity in his kind words. They began a nice conversation and by the time Russ had to get back to base, he had gotten up the courage to ask Barb out on a date. She wasn't working the following Saturday, so they decided to meet then, and make a day of it.

Barb and Russ began seeing each other on a regular basis and made plans to head one weekend to the island of Hakalau. Hakalau boasted a bustling sugarcane town, but also had wonderful areas of serene beauty. They arrived in the morning and spent the day exploring the city. By twilight time, as they walked hand in hand, Barb felt that her heart had quite a few things to say, so, she turned to Russ and asked, "Russ, can I tell you something?" Russ replied, "of course, anything". And in a soft, coy voice, she said, "you're my boy, oh boy". Russ' heart and eyes lit up, as they continued their walk.

Now, it happened that two years later, the two were married. They had a small, simple ceremony and afterward returned to Barbs hometown to celebrate with her parents. Russ had no family to really speak of, but now had a big wonderful family to call his own. They all loved him. He fit right in.

In 1955, they returned to Hakalau, both just having ended their service to the country. They wanted to return to the place where they began their life together. This time they had rented a car and decided to take a drive along the coast and as the light from that big, magnificent moon led the way, they found themselves driving all night, both remarking on how nice it was to just be together, roaming the coast of their beautiful Hakalau. The two of them, being very sentimental people, relished the the moon, the night, the moment.

As time went by and they lived their day to day life, they decided in 1961, that it was time to return to their beloved Hakalau. Six years seemed far too long to stay away. They heard of a luau that was to take place on Saturday night and they decided it would be great fun. As much time as they had spent in Hawaii, they had never been to a luau. As the pig was roasted, and the food prepared, the men played drums, the fire raged, and the beautiful hula girls danced the night away. Barb commented on how gorgeous and flawless they looked. It was then that Russ turned to her and in a loving and sincere voice whispered, "may I kiss the most beautiful of all?". Well, Barb's heart melted and the night couldn't get any better. Though they had been married for several years now, they still adored each other and were surely, the best of friends. The following afternoon, as they sat on the beach, Barb holding Russ' arm and reminiscing on the night before, a storm began to roll through, but they didn't move. As the rain poured down, they laughed right through it, enjoying the wind, the waves, the rain, and most of all, each other's company. It seemed nothing could be more perfect. They were content with the the simple but most important things.

The next morning they headed back to Wisconsin and lived their lives for the next 9 years. It was then that they decided it was time for one more trip to Hakalau. The year was 1970 and when they arrived to Hakalau they found the bustling town to be no more. The sugar factories had moved and the townspeople went, as well. Russ and Barb were surprised and dismayed but soon felt as though they had the entire island to themselves. As they spent their last day on the beach of their first love, Hakalau, they walked hand in hand over that beautiful Polynesian sand. And as the big Hawaiian sun began to sink, Russ turned to Barb, gently kissed her on the cheek and said, "you're still my baby". Barb's heart melted, once again. A Hawaiian love story for the record books.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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