Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Mystery Man - Part One...

Suzette was a rouge, freelance, reporter for the Regal Times, in the bustling city of Hanover, New Hampshire. Well, maybe more like "Journalism student" and "small town", but Suzette aspired to be a big time reporter for a big city paper, someday. For now, however, she would settle for covering the high school's home coming parade, football games, and who won the garden of the month trophy.

It was was nearing new year's eve and the year was about to become 1959. It was hard to believe that the 50's would soon be coming to a close, but they were. Suzette had spent the past two years reporting for the Regal, as a journalism student and truly enjoyed it, but she was beginning to become bored with her small town, neighborhood articles. She wanted something big, a real scoop, as they say.  One night, as she was covering a Jr high football game, she noticed a man that she didn't recognize, lurking in a dark corner between the concession stand and the restrooms. Her imagination began to run wild. Who was he? Where did he come from? What was he doing there? Was he meeting someone? If so, who? All of these questions and more, began to race through her mind. As she was dreaming of a "big scoop", she noticed a woman, resembling Mrs. Judith Beckhold. Judith was a very nice, mild mannered  lady who was married to James Beckhold, a very successful, local business man. They owned the local J&J food market, in town. Everyone knew and loved them. They were very warm and welcoming people.They were in their mid 50 and a very attractive, active, and sociable couple. So, it seemed very odd to Suzette that Judith would meeting a strange man in a dark corner, at night.. and why at a football game, where they could be seen? Of course, maybe the whole thing was on the up and up, but maybe it wasn't. What if Judith was cheating on her husband? Scandalous! As the two talked for a moment, Suzette watched as closely as she could and suddenly they went around the corner and couldn't be seen any longer. Suzette became frustrated and decided to investigate further. She snuck around the rear of the concession stand, trying to keep herself from view. They stood close to each other and seemed to be whispering. But what about? There's was no way Suzette could get close enough to find out, and she didn't want to get caught, so she went back to the game, but all the while, debating in her mind how she could find out more.

Suzette went straight home after the game, the St. Steven's Eagles being the winner that night, and she turned on her Television. The 11 o'clock news had just begun, and being a reporter, she loved to watch, keeping herself up to date on the latest events around the world and around the corner. So, she kicked off her shoes and indulged in a bit of snowy black and white, for her rabbit ears seemed to be on the blink. As she was thinking about what a great anchor she would make, a story came on concerning President Eisenhower. Film, from the week before, was being shown of him getting into a big, black, limousine at the U.N., just after having had talks with some other world leaders, on the state of the cold war. Suzette didn't think much of it, until suddenly, she saw the president stop a strange man. Suzette was stunned; she couldn't believe her eyes!! It seemed to be the same man that she had seen at the football game, sneaking around with Mrs. Beckhold! The president and this mystery man spoke for just a moment and then the two entered the presidents limousine and drove off. Suzette's mind, again, began to race.Who was this man?? Was he some sort of double agent? An international spy? A secret operations agent? And what did he know? Did he have top secret information? Was he receiving top secret information from the leader of the free world? Was he involved somehow, in the cold war talks? Suzette's mind and curiosity were at top speed, but she didn't quite know what to do with it all. So, she went to bed, but didn't sleep.

The next morning, she got up at dawn, and drove to the Beckhold's home. She was putting on her Gumshoe hat. She decided that she would do little surveillance on Mrs. Beckhold.

To be continued...

Stay tuned.

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