Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"Seasoned Greetings" - Part 1

Meanwhile, back in the 70's... It was the second week of December and Joann was preparing for her annual Christmas Eve Open House. Each year, for the past 5 years, Joann has invited the entire subdivision to attend her very festive and anxiously anticipated, open house. And although Joann didn't have many true friends in the development, due to her prima donna attitude, everyone really enjoyed her parties. She had quite a knack for entertaining.

This particular holiday season was a bit different for Joann, however. She had a goal in mind for this years festivities. That goal was to steal Allison Goldberg's husband, Sherman. Joann was about to show, in full effect, the true depth of her ruthlessness.

Joann had been married once before, to a highly sought after CPA. Jack was a great guy, with a mesmerizing personality, albeit, a little too mesmersizing. Joann didn't take kindly to Jack's many late night business meetings. Well, one beautiful, sunny, April morning, Jack left for work but never returned home. The interesting thing is that his secretary was never seen again, either. Oddly, however, Joann is still in possession of Jack's wallet and car keys. Suspicion swirled for a time but eventually simmered down and things went back to normal in the subdivision.

As December 24th crept closer and closer, Joann was devising her plan. It seemed she had no conscience, whatsoever, as she put up the tree, the garland around the fireplace, and carefully put her lights up on the outside of her Sunview home. It was all truly exquisite and yet, something was rotten in Denmark. As she spent days cooking and baking, she was determined to have everything just right, especially for this years shindig. She couldn't afford to have anything out of place; everything had to be perfect, and perfectly executed.

By now, it was Dec 23rd and Joann's closet friend, Betty, stopped to see how things were going. Betty was a very sweet and endearing lady and no one in the neighborhood could understand their friendship. It just didn't make sense; Betty was too nice. Regardless, though, they were friends. Betty asked if there was anything she could do to help, but Joann quickly said, "No! No, Betty, but thank you. I have everything under control." Betty then, knowing that Joann's cooking was out of this world, asked what was on this years menu. Joann responded with, "well, let's see, we're having, cocktail meatballs, brown sugar coated cocktail sausages, deviled eggs, roast beef for sandwiches, my famous lasagna, and a few other delectable, savory, treats and of course, an array of delicious desserts!" At this point, Betty's mouth was watering in anticipation of this wonderful holiday spread. Though, she quickly asked Joann if the Shrimp cocktail, with her special homemade sauce would be on the menu, as well. Joann replied, "Oh, but of course, Betty. It was such a hit last year, I wouldn't want to disappoint." Now, knowing the menu, Betty had to make her way to the grocery for some holiday prep, as well. She and her husband were having family over on Christmas day.

It was now Christmas Eve and Joann was more then prepared for the open house. She had time now to relax and methodically go over her plan, concerning Allison and Sherman. Joann was convinced she would getaway with murder, so to speak... or could that be more literal than anyone would realize?

It was 6:30pm on Dec 24th as neighbors began arriving. Carol, Bob, Sue, and Doug walked down together. It was a chilly night, so Sue was wearing her Plum colored pants suit, while Bob sported his dark brown corduroy sport coat, forest green turtle neck, and plaid slacks consisting of dark browns, tans, and beiges. Sue was wearing her festive fitted, red velvet blazer and Doug had on his favorite light blue leisure suit. They greeted Joann with a warm, "Merry Christmas and thank you for having us" and began to mingle amongst the other guests and neighbors. However, Carol and Sue quickly excused themselves from the company of their husbands to make their way to the ladies room. They had to discuss, in private, the strange feeling coming from Joann this Christmas Eve night. Something was off, but oddly, they couldn't put their finger on it because Joann seemed especially friendly and welcoming, which was without question, out of the ordinary. Something was up and Carol and Sue were determined to find out what it was...

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